This summer our Tartu University research group took a trip to Copenhagen and York to collaborate with fellow researchers. They delved into exciting new experiments! The photo comes from Holar Sepp, joined by Mari Tõrva and Alessandra Morrone at York University. Witness the laboratory where they prepared samples for lipid isotope measurements. Kadri Irdt also…
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Meet Hannes!

Hannes is a member of the Paleomix team based at the University of Copenhagen. His research group works at the intersection of archaeology, ancient genomics, and microbial ecology and focuses primarily on questions relating to human population history and the evolutionary history of human pathogens. He as led several international collaborative research projects and he…
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Meet Matthew!

Matthew is a member of the PaleoMIX team at the University of Copenhagen and holds the McDonald Chair in Palaeoproteomics at the University of Cambridge. Previously, he was a professor of biomolecular archaeology at the University of York, where he founded BioArCh, bridging biology, chemistry, and archaeology. His research delves into the persistence of proteins…
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Meet Samantha!

Samantha is a member of the PaleoMIX team at the University of York. She is the ZooMS research technician at BioArCh. She has a BSc in Archaeological and Forensic Science from Bournemouth University, an MSc in Bioarchaeology from the University of York and has completed her PhD at the University of York investigating the survival…
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Meet Alexandre!

Alexandre is a member of the PaleoMIX team at the University of York. He is the chemistry research technician at BioArCh. He has a License in History of Art and Archaeology and a Maitrise in Prehistory from Paris 1 University. In 2007 he was awarded his PhD from the University of Rennes 1 in Archaeology…
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ARCHEMY and PaleoMIX members graduated this summer

We congratulate our masters’ students Kristi, Mairi and Sandra, who graduated this summer.  Kristi researched the diet of Viimsi tarand-graves with stable isotope analysis.  Mairi’s research focused on the preservation of ancient DNA.  Sandra’s MA project was on experimental plant macrofossils, namely stable isotope analysis of charred plant remains and seeds to understand different cultivation…
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Meet Matthew!

Matthew is a member of the PaleoMIX team at the University of York. He is the laboratory technician for BioArCh. He has a BSc in Marine Biology/Oceanography and an MSc in Environmental Chemistry from the University of Bangor, North Wales.  Prior to taking up the post, he worked as laboratory manager for the British Antarctic…
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Meet Helen!

Helen is a member of the PaleoMIX team at the University of York. She is the mass spectrometry instrument technician in BioArCh. She holds a Bachelor’s in Environmental Chemistry from the University of Edinburgh and a PhD in Organic Geochemistry from the University of Bristol where she worked with Prof. James Maxwell (FRS) on phytoplankton…
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Meet Jessica!

Jessica is a member of the PaleoMIX team at the University of York. She received a BA in Anthropology and Ancient History and a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 2010, followed by a BA(Hons) in Anthropology. In 2015 she was awarded her PhD from the University of York, where…
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Meet Alessandra!

Alessandra is a member of the PaleoMIX team at the University of Tartu. She has worked with human and animal remains from various contexts since the beginning of her studies in 2009. She studied Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology across Italy and in UK, and recently got her PhD at the University of Tartu with her…
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